To place an order, simply select the model and color of your choice and click “Add to Cart”. To complete your order, click “Cart” at the top right corner of our homepage.

From your cart, you can modify the quantity, delete an item or include an order note. You can proceed with your order by clicking “Check out”.

To complete your order, you may log in to your existing Polene account, create an account with us, or proceed as a guest.

Finally, select your preferred shipping method: Home Delivery, and proceed to payment. Please note we can only accept payment by credit card (Visa or Mastercard).

We are sorry, but for logistical reasons, we are no longer able to offer the option of In-Store Pickup at this time.

We are doing our best to make this delivery option available again soon. However, we do not yet have visibility as to when it will return.

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